
2013 [No Survey] Hack&Cheat Tools Zombie Fish Tank Working Get Free Download Now !

2013-10-04 135 Dailymotion

Download from here :- http://www.cheatsandroid.com/zombie-fish-tank-cheats-hack/

Once you’ve eaten your way through enough enemies of a certain size, you will be able to upgrade to larger prey. In a weird, roundabout way, this kind of reminded me of certain levels of Osmos, where you had to slowly grow your little space cell by absorbing smaller ones before you could take on the big bad guy.

For the controls, Chillingo has programmed in some accelerometer mechanics. In order to move around, you will have to tilt your iOS device of choice in the direction you want your fish to swim. This makes sense, I guess. But often, I found myself having to re-calibrate the controls and didn’t ever feel like I could truly make my zombie fish go where I wanted it to go.